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the stickboys podcast

The Stickboys podcasts are about one thing and one thing only - traditional bowhunting. No fluff, no industry promotion, just normal guys talking to normal guys and gals about their uncommon adventures with the stick and string.  Don't forget to to check out our youtube channel, and thanks for listening!

Jul 31, 2021

  • This episode we sit down with our ol'buddy Tom Jenkins of Zipper Bows.  Tom is a heck of a hunter with a wall full of big whitetails to prove it, but more importantly he's a great guy to share camp with, shoot the bull with, and have as a friend.  We chat about some past hunting trips, big bucks, and quite a bit of...

Jul 24, 2021

This week we sit down with our buddy Jake Downs.  We've had a lot of comments recently from guys wanting to hear about how to get started making your first out of state or "adventure hunt".  We couldn't think of a better guy to talk to than Jake!  Just a normal guy talking to normal guys about how to get started down...

Jul 17, 2021

This week we sit down with our friend Ryan Rothhaar.  Ryan grew up learning the intricacy's of whitetail habits from one of the most knowledgeable hunters to ever pick up a stickbow.  We discuss keeping the main thing - the main thing and how fundamentals a basics kill deer.  Just like in sports, you always fall back on...

Jul 5, 2021

This week Dalton sits down with our ol'buddy Clay Epperson.  If you follow Clay you'll know that he's heck on swine!!  Clay spends a lot of time slipping the through the inky blackness of the East Texas Piney Woods and this week, he and Dalton dive deep into what it takes to get an arrow in a wild pig at night with a...