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the stickboys podcast

The Stickboys podcasts are about one thing and one thing only - traditional bowhunting. No fluff, no industry promotion, just normal guys talking to normal guys and gals about their uncommon adventures with the stick and string.  Don't forget to to check out our youtube channel, and thanks for listening!

Feb 11, 2023

While at the Kalamazoo Traditional Bowhunter Expo, Ethan had a chance to sit down for a chat with Joe Elsworth of Michigan.  Our buddy Greg Darling co-hosts and we spend some time listening to Joe talk about some of his many adventures in Alaska over the years.  Joe is a humble man that had the passion to make it happen on many adventures.  Along the way, he discovered several "ways to die in Alaska" and he recounts some of those tales with us.  This is a fun episode and you're gonna enjoy this one!